growing active followers of Jesus Christ and building his community
Presbyterian Church on Spokane's South Hill
Join Us in Person for Church Services, Sundays at 9:30 am
Nursery available during worship service. Sign Language Interpreter present at worship, 1st Sunday of each month.
Click to Worship Online

A Childlike Lent Worship Services
All services at 9:30 AM unless otherwise noted.
Services are also live streamed for your convenience at hamblenpres.org/live-stream.
All are welcome!
March 5, Ash Wednesday, 7 PM
Genesis 1: 26-31
March 9, First Sunday of Lent
True Greatness
Matthew 18: 1-5 and Matthew 19: 13-15
March 16, Second Sunday of Lent
The First Commandment
Mark 12: 28-34
March 23, Third Sunday of Lent
From Every Nation
Revelation 7: 9-10
March 30, Fourth Sunday of Lent
The Wedding Banquet
Matthew 22: 1-14
April 6, Fifth Sunday of Lent
The Parable of the Sower
Matthew 22: 1-14
April 13, Palm Sunday
John 12: 12-15
April 17, Maundy Thursday, 6-8 PM
Prayer Stations & Communion
April 18, Good Friday, 7 PM
John 19: 16-19 and 28-30
April 20, Easter, 9 am & 10:30 AM
Easter Egg Hunt at 10:00 AM
Do Not Be Afraid
Matthew 28: 5-10 and 16-20
Everyday Peacemaking Workshop
Facilitated by Global Immersion's Dr. Jer Swigart
Hosted at Hamblen Park Presbyterian Church

Registration for this event has closed.
If you would like to be placed on a waiting list,
contact us at hppc@hamblenpres.org.

Support our preschool and purchase a beautiful Spring basket! Baskets will be full of colorful, sun-loving flowering annuals, planted into a 12" hanging basket. Your purchase helps raise money towards new imaginary play materials, books, and gym toys! Cost is $40 per basket. To order, use the order form in the narthex and pay via cash or check at the preschool or the church office. Order online at: bit.ly/PreschoolFlowerFundraiser. Baskets will be available for pick up the week of April 17th! Just in time for Easter! ORDERS DUE BY 3/28/25.
Spring Flower Basket Sale

New to Hamblen? Welcome!
The pastors would love the opportunity to get to know you over coffee! Later this spring we will hold a newcomer welcoming session where you can meet more people from our congregation and learn more about Hamblen Church. If you are interested in more information about getting involved in activities, becoming a member or want to indicate your interest in our upcoming newcomer welcoming session, please contact the church office at 509-385-0619 or email HPPC@hamblenpres.org.

Love One Another
Click on the ministry to learn how you can
show God's love by offering your hands in service.
We hope you will continue practicing
generous tithing as an act of spiritual growth.