growing active followers of Jesus Christ and building his community
Children's and Family Ministries
Hamblen Park Presbyterian Church is committed to assisting families as they pass faith on to their children and youth. We believe parents have the largest role in a child’s faith development: The role of the Children’s and Family Ministries team at HPPC is to come along side of families to offer classes, programs, and experiences that enhance faith development in their children.
The Children’s and Family Ministries at HPPC offers many programs to support children (birth to 5th grade) as they begin to explore and grow in their faith.
If you have questions about Children’s and Family Ministries at Hamblen Park Presbyterian Church, contact our Director of Next Gen Ministries, Mitchel Pierce at
Sunday School
All three-year-olds through 5th graders are invited to join our Sunday School program which meets just after the children's sermon on Sunday mornings September through June. There are times we have Family Worship Sundays with no Sunday School classes so children can be in worship with their families.
Family Worship
Worship is defined as "honor, homage paid to God, formal or ceremonious rendering of such honor and homage." How do we teach our children to “worship”? At HPPC, we teach by sharing worship in the warm and welcoming surroundings of their church family. Family Worship occurs several times throughout the year in place of Sunday School. When we have Family Worship Sundays, we will have Kids' Zone for ages 3 - 1st Grade just after the children's sermon.
Having children in worship is what we are told to do in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke when Jesus tells the disciples to “let the little children come to me, and do not stop them….”. We welcome the energy and joy children bring to Family Worship. Our church family is not complete without them.
Wednesday Evening Journey Kids' Club
Journey Kids' Club is for K through 5th grade children and meets Wednesdays, October – May from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. It is a fun time of games, music and Bible study. Kids play goofy games, eat dinner together, and have awesome activities.
Journey is a place where kids can feel safe and, in developmentally appropriate ways, begin to verbalize what it means to be a follower of Christ. Parents are encouraged to volunteer with Journey throughout the year to help in the kitchen or classrooms.
Join us for Journey and bring a friend!
Special Classes
2nd Grade Worship and Communion: This class will prepare all second graders (and any older children who haven’t yet taken the class) to take communion. Students will learn about the events surrounding the Last Supper and discover the meaning behind the communion sacrament. A culminating activity will include baking communion wafers.
3rd Grade Know Your Bible Class: This course is for third grade students (or any students in grades 4th– 6th who haven’t taken these classes.) Students will be taught: how the Bible is organized; how to look up a Bible passage: the differences between versions of the Bible; and will most importantly learn how to read, understand and apply the Bible to their own lives. Bibles will be presented on a Sunday prior to the class at the 9:00 AM service.
4th Grade “Hey God, Let’s Talk!” (Prayer): Relationships are built upon conversations; this is true for our relationship with God. In the” Hey God Let’s Talk” class 4th grade students (or any 5th – 6th graders who haven’t taken this class.) will strengthen their relationship with God by learning how to talk with God. “Hey God, Let’s Talk!” curriculum from Abingdon Press will be used.
5th Grade “Ten Commandments” Class: God gave Moses and the Israelites the Ten Commandments to incorporate into their lives. The Ten Commandments are still valid for us today. Students will learn how they apply to us and to many of our modern laws.
Christmas Pageant from Scratch
The Christmas Pageant From Scratch is an annual inter-generational event where everyone has an opportunity to take part in the Christmas story. After a potluck soup dinner, volunteer performers go to rooms to dress as their favorite character from the Christmas Story and, as the story is read, enter on cue. You never know what is going to happen in the Christmas Pageant from Scratch!