growing active followers of Jesus Christ and building his community
Music Ministries
In all our music, our focus is to glorify God and enhance the worship experience through inspiring expression of praise. We serve through our music and in fellowship with one another. Together we learn, grow, serve, praise and share the message of God’s redeeming love. There is a place in the Hamblen Park Presbyterian music program for anyone who wishes to share in this ministry. For more information, contact Scott Dicken, Director of Worship Arts, at 509-385-0624 or
The Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is a vocal music ensemble for worship. New voices are always welcome. The choir sings approximately 40 Sundays during the program year, which runs September through June. They also sing occasionally for special services.
Rehearsals are Thursday evenings, 7:00-8:30pm, and Sundays, 8:30-9:00am during the program year.
Praise Band
Praise Band is a small combo of instrumentalists and vocalists who lead contemporary praise songs during worship services. They help lead worship regularly throughout the year. Weekly rehearsals are Wednesdays 7-8pm.
Hallel is a group made up of members of the Praise Band who use four-part harmony to lead contemporary praise music and special music occasionally throughout the year. Rehearsals are scheduled as needed.
Bell Choir
The handbell choir at Hamblen is an intergenerational group that strives to bring glory to God through their music. Formed in 2017, thanks to the generous gift of a 4-octave set of bells from the Sunnyside United Methodist Church, the group includes ringers of all experience levels. They perform once or twice a month during Sunday worship and enjoy lighthearted weekly rehearsals and a strong sense of community, thanks to their younger members and the dedication of all.
Instrumental Special Music
We welcome special instrumental music in worship year-round! If you play an instrument and would like to share your talents in worship, contact the worship director.
Children's Music
Music in Children’s Education provides the ministry of teaching children the expression of praise through music. There are many opportunities available as song leader, assisting leaders, accompanists, instrumentalists, and support staff. Our children’s education ministries include Journey (grades 1-5), Sunday School Music, and Vacation Bible School.